Help page still not working in firefox, and our new review feature does not work...

Lora C. shared this problem 3 years ago
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First, it's been over a month and we still cannot access this help forum via firefox. Chrome is finally working, but that's it. See the many, many posts of the same issue on your FB group

Secondly, we just sent out a mass email to thousands of customers after testing the new review email format, and it does not work. People click the star rating, and it simply gives a blank page. Here is the link when I click the 5-star review, which leads to nothing (at least in firefox, and mobile chrome).

This is an event that has my email address in it, and clicking 5 stars does not work...just a blank page. In the comments, you'll see the URL generated by your auto email (i setup a newsletter), which does not work.

The frustrating part is we've had over 30 people click, and not one formal Google review left, so I can only assume it's not working for anyone...

Comments (5)


I should say, that all of the manual test emails I sent myself work just fine for the review 5-star feature...but not the real deal.


Clear your browser cookies if you are having trouble accessing the help forum. That will fix the issue.

You cannot send the Customer - Thank You email with the rating to a customer list only. It must, like all surveys, go to a lead with a customer on it. It was meant to go out after a completed event. You are using it more like a newsletter that just goes to customer records. It may be possible to send it to a list of leads that did not just have a completed event, but it's not been tested. Thanks!


I love the look of this background for the survey how did you make it and I would love to get some instruction on how to do one for my website instead of just the plain white page I would love it to look like you're still on my site with functional buttons and stuff across the top


It used to be that you could make a wrapper by copying the source of the page on your current website that is close to what you want it to look like (the more simple the page, the better), paste it in the source of the IO wrapper page template you are creating, and enter the URL to your site, and then we would do some fancy stuff to copy it to our server. Then you would have to remove the content you didn't want and insert our variable *page_content*. There were usually other things that would need fixed as well. It's not for the faint hearted.


thanks Tim ill keep my white page for nowLOL

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