second location

Ryan F. shared this question 17 months ago
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So I created a second location with another word press website from IO. My SEO tanked immediately when I went back and looked at the numbers over the last month. I am assuming it is from duplicate content. Nothing else happened that week except the launching of the second location website and my organic hits dropped 90% per day. There doesn't appear to be any way to change the product title tags, descriptions, meta tags etc for each location so I will have a lot of identical pages popping up for each location. Anything I can do about this before I decide to do away with a second website?

Comments (2)


I'm not sure this is the best way but what I've seen done is this:

Optional Fields for secondary sites. You'd have to write something different in those fields manually. Then you have to change the variables in the shortcoder on those sites.


Yes, you would set up a second location on software not the site


what does this mean? I have it set up as a second location in IO and have a separate site. However, the content duplicating from both sites killed my SEO on the main site. What do your SEO people recommend to fix this?

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