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How do I add a customized contract to the reports menu

Steve O. shared this question 8 years ago

I've created a new customized hybrid contract (titled "Delivery Confirmation". How do I add it to the list of choices in the reports menu? I am also struggling with inserting fields into a table as well as using the wingdings font to add special characters like a check box.

Comments (5)


There isn't a way to add this to the reports menu right now, but there likely will be soon. At this time, you can only print off the active contract and a packing list via this tool.

The templates are all HTML. Wingdings is a preparatory font from Microsoft.

Here is a page where you can copy and past a unicode box.


I've read somewhere that you would create a report or a form for a fee ... are you able to do this for me?


I'm not sure what you're referring to. Do you have an example of exactly what it is? Is "delivery confirmation" like a sheet that the delivery driver uses to mark their checklist off with? If so, you could just append it to the packing list and print both together, right?


Delivery confirmation is a document that the customer signs accepting the equipment and quantities delivered.


I understand what you mean, I just wanted to be sure we were on the same page (everyone uses different terminology when it comes to this). I would recommend making it part of the packing list template. Add a page break to the end of the template, then create the "delivery confirmation" sheet. One will print with each packing list job.

IMPORTANT: When messing around with your templates, always save a working copy of the template before making changes (so that you have something to come back to if you save a messed up template inadvertently). Save edits in small increments.


We most definitely need an option to print several contracts from the leads screen

The drop down function is there we just need an option to add our templates to the drop down menu like maybe an add to menu checkbox


I've put the request in. Contracts are an area that we want to give some attention too.

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