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Quote Page customization.

Corey W. shared this question 5 years ago

Is there a way to add a few questions to my quote page. Specifically I'm looking to add a questions around if the address is a park or clubhouse or apartment. If They check yes on either one of these it would allow them to get a quote but I wouldn't want them to be able to auto-book. Another question that I would like to add is something around is there a steep hill? As I grow I've been running into issues of not finding these things out until the day before delivery when I do my confirmation calls.

Comments (1)


We can add custom questions in Settings->Optional fields for either checkboxes or a dropdown with options in it, and then add these to the quote page. Optional fields would not prevent this from autobooking though. It Might be better to do this as part of your options for delivery methods. We can however associate automatic fees with optional fields if you'd like to add a fee and not add them in as delivery methods. Which do you think would address the need better?


I think adding some type of option questions like "Is your event at a park or clubhouse? If you add that will I have the ability to change the fee on my own? I would also like some question regarding steep hills. I'm not sure how I would like it worded. If any of your other client have that setup I"m opens. I"m essentially trying to know when i need to call the customer because to determine if I will need a second employee to help with the delivery.

Final few questions. Is there a quick way to convert my accessories to rentals? I'm now starting to rent tents, tables and chairs separately from my bounce houses. My concern is I don't want someone to be able to go on and rent 20 tables, I would like to have a minimum order amount? is that possible?


Charging a fee for the "is your event at a park or a clubhouse" is possible. I can either be a flat amount or a percent of the rental total. Once you've decided how you'd like to word your question for stairs, we can implement this.


I can convert accessories into a rental in the database for you if you tell me what the item name is, and a minimum rental total can be set in Settings->Distance Charges (it's an odd place to set this, I know, but we can help if you let us know how much).


I would like to convert all three of my concessions to rentals under the category called concessions. I went ahead and converted the chairs and tables because I needed to send out quotes.


I would like to go ahead and add the question "is your event at a park or a clubhouse" to the quote page.


I've converted the consession machines and added the park/clubhouse checkbox to the quote form

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