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can you have one customer with multiple sales people

Chani K. shared this question 5 years ago

Comments (1)


No, only one sales person can be selected on a lead.


so i cant have ex abc organization

with salespeople H I J but only choose one without creating a seperate account for each

and all would be under abc organization


A sales person would be selected on the lead. You can tag different sales person under the customer file.


lets say we have organization abc and in this organization someone named fred calls with an event another person for this organization calls that name sally. is there a way to keep one organization be subdivided by the people who work there


Yes, a good example of a customer you have set up this way would be Macy's. If you look at their customer file you can see all the different contact people you have for the same company. When you click on the leads through the customer file it will also let you know which profile# (contact person) is handling that particular event.


Then why do the people putting info in io make new organization for each lead . when it goes into

quickbooks if there is an extra dot it will make a new contact in quickbooks so we get that payments

are being applied in the wrong place.

the sales people have to refine the customer data base that instead of having one macys customer with 20 salespeople and not 20 different customers


You will need to check on this setting in QB:

From the Edit menu, Choose Preferences.

On the left pane, Select Payments then go to the Company Preferences tab.

On the Receive Payments section, check or uncheck the automatically apply payments as preferred.--This should be unchecked.

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