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Variables on packing list are not coming up as items on view or print

Jonny P. shared this question 5 years ago

After variables are entered and saved on packing list template, they are not showing up on view as the actual items. It is staying as the variable (i.e., *rentalname* is not showing up as any rentals, only as *rentalname*)

Comments (1)


1d6dead66cd454145ff7f71a1ee43f82Those variables weren't working because they needed the repeat start rental and repeat end rental tags. I've gone ahead and added them for you so these variables work now. Let me know if you'd like any other assistance editing this document.


I am still having trouble, it didn't work. Can you give me a copy & paste option that way I can do just as you do?


<div id="repeat_start_rentals"></div>

*rentalname* *rentalqty*

<br />

<div id="repeat_end_rentals"></div>

Here is the code, you can also find it under the Template Variable link on the Packing List Template page.


I've edited your packing list template to insert the HTML code you needed in the proper place.

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