dashboard not showing correct data

Dave L. shared this question 13 months ago
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can someone from IO edit my dashboaard stats to show 2023. everytime i re add them and change it shows all years but this year

Comments (5)


just make the change like is on the chart for monthly sales




I already have that. Looking to have YTD sales difference to see if I’m up or down on sales per month.


so that is showing the correct info

if you look at lets say 2020 it compares today ytd with 2020 and under 2020 it shows how much you are up or down same with 2021 2022

the number under each month and year shows how much you are up or down based on the current year and the previoius years

your seeing what you want but it wont show 2023 until next year


Anyways to see 2023 . I want to see if we are ahead or behind last years sales to this date


You can create a chart on the dashboard by clicking drop down click preset then click sales by month

This will create you a chart showing every month in sales but it will not do the comparison you would manually have to do the difference but it will show you 2023


The data will be the same just shown without the comparison which is what you obviously are looking for based on your comment


That's what it's showing you if you look at 2022 if it's green you're ahead by that amount of money if you're red you're below by that amount of money so if you're looking at 2022 and let's look at January if it says plus $21,000 then your January and 23 was $21,000 ahead of 2022 if you're looking at March of 2022 and it's negative $20,000 then you were $20,000 down this year compared to 2022

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