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price variable for website integration

Wendy L. shared this idea 6 years ago

I'm looking at this page: at the variable names available for use in the website integration. Is there one for price? As it is, I have our price entered into our description, which works for now, but if we adjust our price (or have separate starting prices for delivery versus customer pick-up), that price has to be manually changed in the description and not automatically adjusted on the Wordpress site. I'd also like to move the price to a different location on our site, which I would know how to do if there was a variable name I could use. :)

Comments (3)


There isn't a variable for price currently because price is time dependent. So, if we created one, we would have to guess at the time. It is something on our list to figure a way out to do since many have asked. Thanks!


That's kind of where my thought process was going too. Maybe an option to have a field where we could enter "Starting Price" or something along those lines, so it wouldn't be time dependent or pickup/delivery dependent. Just some thoughts to add! :D



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