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Uploading Pictures, not loading, Customer Type?

Wendy L. shared this question 7 years ago

I'm trying to upload new (and additional) pictures of our inventory, and the system sits saying, "Uploading, Please Wait..." without moving forward. When I try to save, cancel, or just move to another rental, I get "Error: You Must Choose A Customer Type." This isn't for new inventory, just updating pictures of existing inventory in the system. Also, I'm using Google Chrome (I saw that was the recommendation in similar topic questions when I searched before asking here). Any suggestion on what to do?

Comments (1)


You are probably not uploading an image format that we support. What format are you trying to upload? You should use PNG, JPG, or GIF. Regarding the pricing error, click on the advanced pricing and check to make sure that all the proper fields are completed.


They are all JPG (Pictures I took within this year myself). Some of the inventory are letting me upload fine, but not all. I checked the pricing section, but I'll double check that. Do you know why it would be doing that now and not before? I'm assuming it has something to do with an update at some point, but I'm just curious.


This actually sounds like you might be using Internet Explorer, or perhaps a plugin that is conflicting with our program. What web browser are you using? Can you email one of the files to us to so that we can do some testing on our end? Just include the name of the rental as well.


No, I stopped using IE about 8 years ago :). Maybe a size issue? Is there a size limit on the image upload? (PS, the Pricing suggestion is working. Somehow a third option exists on some of these that is blank, but typically we only have "Customer Pick Up" and "Delivery" I'm just deleting the extra blank pricing one. :) )


Can you email us an image you are having trouble with and let us know what inventory item it should be on? Regarding the deliveries, you probably had another type that was set and then deleted. Now there is a price referencing the deleted delivery type and so showing blank. Removing the blank line is correct.


Nevermind on sending the image. Just saw it in the inbox.

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