Mileage report

Christian J. shared this question 15 days ago

I went to delivery planner and selected a date range for last year to see a mileage report but when I select the date, it won’t show me anything.

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Past events that were not added to a vehicle will not show on your delivery planner.


So there’s no way for me to see a mileage report?


The payroll report shows mileage by worker, but I don't know of a way in IO to get the mileage by vehicle.


So should I make myself a worker so I can see it?


You would have to assign yourself to all the deliveries in the routing planner.


I can see that this employee has driven a total of 709.7 miles this year. I have GPS on my trucks, so I get the vehicle mileage that way.



How would I go about assigning myself? I need mileage for my taxes.


You do not have the workers module as part of your current subscription.


Do you use the routing planner? If not, you would need to go through the entire year and set up your routes, then add yourself as the driver on every shift. It's a lot of work to figure out your mileage. Everyone has a different tax situation, so help me understand what you are looking for and we might come up with easier ways to get the info you need. Are you using your personal vehicle for business, so you need to see how many business miles you drove? Do you have more than 1 vehicle? Do you have other drivers, or are you doing all the deliveries yourself? How many deliveries are we talking about?

Mileage doesn't factor into my taxes, that's why I'm asking about your situation.


Nick, I've always had the worker module, so I don't know the answer to this. Can he use the routing planner and assign himself as the driver, or do you need the worker module for that? Can he run a payroll report?


The worker module would be needed for that method. In this case, he is not using the delivery planner, but those events could be retroactively added to show the distances that vehicles traveled.


How you arrange those events within your delivery planner and to what vehicles will greatly impact the reported miles, making it a very fickle method.


I agree, Nick, there is not a great way to get accurate mileage after the fact. However, this would be a nice crash course on using the delivery planner. Christian would get good at it very quickly by going through this process.

Christian, This is not legal advice, but I think many people in this situation would estimate miles for 2024 (some might even fabricate a reasonable log if they want to be very careful), then start tracking miles accurately going forward. The chances of the IRS nailing you for this are slim to none, unless you falsely claim bullshit like "home office". Even then, there may not be any IRS agents left to investigate before long. IRS agents are regular people, just like you (I even have one who works for me occasionally). They understand that new business owners make these mistakes. If you were to get audited in 2 years and they see that you did not properly record mileage in 2024, but you are doing it correctly in 2025 and beyond, you'll be fine. Don't go crazy over this mileage thing.


I'm sorry this is not a field that we have available for custom reports - only Lead Distance.

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