What language does the IO code for templates use?

Talon H. shared this question 28 days ago

I'm not a coder, but I'm familiar with how HTML works on a basic level and use it regularly to make IO templates work how I want.

I've seen some pretty creative coding on the standard IO templates with regards to how variables are used, etc. I'd like to be able to google for code snippets and help myself generate some of my own more creative and useful templates.

Is everything just HTML, or is the language something proprietary for IO?

Comments (3)


Do you mean for website templates? Page templates in IO? or variables?


Variables for the templates (text messages, emails, contracts, surveys, etc.).


You can get the IO variables for templates by going to Settings-->Template Variables


I'm not asking for where the template variables are, I'm asking for information about implementing them in more than just a "insert variable" manner.

For example, I've seen (and used) the "empty" condition to have text only appear when a certain variable is not empty, but I want to know what other tricks are available that I'm not making use of.


The template system primarily relies on HTML, but you can also use conditional logic like the empty condition you mentioned. While we don’t have a full reference guide, many users find success by experimenting with standard HTML and simple logical conditions. If you're looking for creative examples, you might find inspiration by reviewing existing templates or searching for conditional logic in templating languages similar to ours. Let us know if there's something specific you're trying to achieve, and we will do our best to help!


Ok, sounds like the answer I was expecting.

I've had some success implementing HTML by googling whatever I'm trying to do + "in HTML" or something along those lines.

When you say "templating languages similar to ours", what language is yours? Does the conditional logic you're referring to use JavaScript syntax, or something else?


They are primarily HTML-based for the structure and use CSS for styling and JavaScript for interactive features.

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