Website radio buttons and privacy policy

Cody C. shared this question 9 hours ago
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I am trying to get rid of the extra radio buttons. I only need one for Yes and one for No.

Also I need a line of text about the privacy policy under it all with the text in the picture.

This has to be done so we can send sms text to people from our business number.

Comments (1)


Where are these screenshots from? Please provide a link. Here is what we see in the "Contact Us" portion of your page:


Regarding the privacy policy, did you want there to be a required checkbox that customers have read and understand the privacy policy?


These screenshots are from the editing I'm trying to work on but can't get rid of the extra buttons. The other screenshot is from Grasshopper, the phone company I use. They require that wording and options in order for it to be complaint with laws to be able to send sms messages from their phone numbers.


There does not need to be a checkbox for it. It should be just like the attached photo with the wording and link to the policy.

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