Optional fields in Survey's

Chad B. shared this question 2 months ago

How can I ask questions in a survey where the results will show in an optional field? Stacie Chase says that she has it and you guys set it up. I'd like to know HOW to set it up.

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Are you wanting follow up questions sent to your customers to update the lead? If that is the case, we helped set up a quote update page in Settings-->Pages&Templates for her.

The page type would be Quote Updates. You can then update this template with the optional field variables information that you are wanting.

We then added the quote update link to an email that is tied to an automation.

When copying the link from pages&templates, you would replace the qid number and cid number with *leadid* and *contact_id* respectively.

Here is a screenshot example of where to find the link:


When the email automation is sent out, customers can then make the selections from the optional fields that will then update the lead.

Otherwise, you can add the optional field variables to a survey, but it will only display the field name and not the selection or checkbox input if that is what you were wanting.


Thanks Brittany!!! That is very helpful and I didn't realize that page type existed. I'll be looking in to this.


One more thing, what about attachments? Is there a way to allow customers to upload attachments with this method?


Sorry I followed your instructions. But when I replace the Leadid and contact Id it only shows the quote form with the variables filled in. It doesn't show the page I created. (Test Quote Update)


My apologies. I did forget you will need to create a new group name for this update form. For our demo account screenshot example, our group name is Demo Rentals LLC, I would add Update at the end for example... You would then need to re-copy the link and replace the QID and CID again. This should then allow you to see the new form.

You can add the code to upload files as attachments to the form as well. If you follow this article, you can add the upload file button. The uploaded files will then save to the lead as an attachment.


Perfect! One last thing on this. Is there any way to restrict how close to the event date changes can be made? I tested this on a lead dated the 3rd and was able to still make changes on the 4th. Not that I'm too concerned about that but I definitely don't want someone to come in and change a setting the night before.


Currently there isn't a way to restrict changes made to a lead based on how close the date is to their event date.

You could adjust your lead update time in Settings-->Online Quoting, but this would only be based on how many minutes from when they last created the quote.


Thanks. I got a workaround.

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