Default times for customers

Mark T. shared this question 2 years ago


Is there a way to have default times already changed to 9 am to start and 6 pm to end? Also, instead of changing it by every 15 mins, can I have the customers be able to change it in 30 min increments? Small company and if we rent out, it would only be one unit a day for the time being so right now my priority is making the booking for the customer as easy as possible.

This would be for all units on the site.

Comments (6)


Good morning,

I have fixed your times and set them for 9am to 6pm and have adjusted your cart settings so that the customer cannot choose anytime before or after those times. I am checking with developers to see if the time increments can be set to 30 mins instead of 15 mins.


Good morning! Thank you for the quick response. Can you please adjust The earliest start time to 7:00 a.m. and the latest and time to 8:00 p.m.

I apologize I should have been more clear. I just wanted to default times to be those. I still want them to be able to keep it longer if they would like or get it earlier. I just wanted to fix that every time I went to go try it out. My default time was noon.


I attached a screen shot of the current defaults it shows when you click on the calendar. I just think it would be easy if they were set to 9am start and 6pm to end but with the option of selecting as early as 7am and as late as 8pm if they want.


Ok I have adjusted the time pickers to 7am to 8pm and the default cart setting from 9am to 6pm (see screenshot)

Files: time.png

Thank you! Almost there. I still want them to be able to select an earlier time if they want, but no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and be able to select a time no later of 8:00 p.m. as an end time. I just want the default times to be 9:a.m. and 6:00 p.m which they are now.

I went back in and I can't see those earlier or later times available to select. Sorry for making this complicated :/


You are fine, maybe try clearing your cache on your browser. I have the times set for the timepickers to 7am to 8pm so nothing can be changed either before 7am or after 8pm.


Sorry if my last comment didn't come through, so this might be a copy of a different comment.

So I did that and cleared the cache and cookies and even browsing history. Now it comes up blank when I select calendar. Did this on my phone too. See attached


I have a ticket going in with developers to check this behavior, I will keep you posted.


This appears to be working properly. I would suggest it was a cache issue.

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