book this event option not displayed on quote email link

Benjamin V. shared this question 2 years ago


We have our "book this event" option that has been removed from our quote page link.

It might be due to the new layout of our website but we can't seem to find where to implement it again to have it available for our clients.

Could you please have a look and add this option back again ?

It is in the quote page we send out to our clients with the template "Quote confirm" under WA shed location. We just want clients to be able to book in the event so we can get the alert email that someone has booked in the event.

Thanks team!

Comments (3)


I am looking...where is it missing from??


It's missing from the link we send out with our quote template from WA shed location.

The link was displayed previously under the total amount of the quote and is now not showing anymore..

Could you please reinsert the code in our quote template ?


The only way I could get this to work was to update it to our new quote confirm page...I am still taking a look


Hi Susan,

I have seen that you have been able to reimplement the book this event button, thanks for that...

Would it be possible to have the quote template displayed same as the one we had previously or on Darwin?

The layout was different and including more details of the quote..

Ideally we keep the same quote theme we have from our new website but display the quote same as the screen shot attached ?

Thanks Susan


I was even trying to copy over the other location's version? If I cannot get it to work this morning I am going to have a developer take a look as well


Thanks Tim for fixing it and sending through the video.

Hs any changes be made when you changed the quote code to the "Thank you page" they get after sending through the quote ?

Our web agency is letting us know that they can't tack anymore our conversions as this page is not displayed anymore ..

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