Filters Glitch

Jessica B. shared this question 13 months ago

Hello there,

We appear to be having a glitch when creating a filter for the conditional pricing.

Whenever a field is added, the system automatically creates another row/option underneath of the last created field.

We are unable to save and get an error message. (screenshots attached)

Comments (2)


Sometimes if a row was previously being edited and a new row is being added, it may cause this error. I suggest closing the filter and refreshing your page and start again. I was able to create the filter for you based off of your screenshot. You should be able to edit this if needed.

Let us know if you are still having issues.


Thank you, Brittany! that is really really strange. I closed and refreshed multiple times. Thank you for doing that.

I was able to create the filter, but now having an issue adding the filter to the conditional pricing.

Behavior: Add to Price | Filter: Surface Setup Fee | Price Name: Single Unit Sandbag Fee

I have to select the drop down for "Make New Price: Single Unit Sandbag Fee" (nothing happens if I click "add").

I make the price $25 every 24 hours. Select Done. And then it disappears.

I now am not able to click Add or Save. I click Close, go back into the inventory item and try again and the same thing happens


You need to set the rope as pricing not lead, I think. Can't quote see your pics on my phone but I saw that on the first pics.

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