Time Slots

Rubin S. shared this question 3 years ago

I am looking to get the web page to show 4 hours, 6 hours, all day and prevent the customer to put in just an hour or so. Is there a way to have the site setup to allow the customer to only choose a 4 hour, 6 hour or an all time time slot? Example is instead of the quote/schedule saying date and time start to date and time end can it say or setup to say date and 1200 - 1600 or 1300 - 1700 or 1200 - 1800 or 1300 - 1900 etc...?

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Yes, we do have a timeslot function where you can set up slots for the customer to choose from. If you go to Settings-->Timeslots it will allow you to set this up.

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