hello calls transfer to my phone voicemail , all I ever get is " press any button to answer" voice message. Customers do not get to leave a voicemail. is that normal ?
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hello calls transfer to my phone voicemail , all I ever get is " press any button to answer" voice message. Customers do not get to leave a voicemail. is that normal ?
It's intended that IO Phone voicemail (VM) would kick in rather than your cell phone voicemail box. That way the customer can get a company VM box rather than your personal cell VM.
From the customer's side, they should get ringing/hold music for a certain amount of time until the IO Phone VM box kicks in, regardless of whether your phone is off completely or actually ringing.
This is actually the main reason why we have you press a button to answer an IO Phone call: so that IO Phone can be sure the call connected to you personally, not your personal cell VM box "answering" the call.
It's intended that IO Phone voicemail (VM) would kick in rather than your cell phone voicemail box. That way the customer can get a company VM box rather than your personal cell VM.
From the customer's side, they should get ringing/hold music for a certain amount of time until the IO Phone VM box kicks in, regardless of whether your phone is off completely or actually ringing.
This is actually the main reason why we have you press a button to answer an IO Phone call: so that IO Phone can be sure the call connected to you personally, not your personal cell VM box "answering" the call.
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