Account logout

Greg H. shared this question 2 years ago

With the new implementation of the security logout feature when you have more than four devices logged in and or after a certain amount of time certain devices are logged out how often is that checked, does it log out all devices at the same time or does it specifically get the one that's been logged in the longest or the count over four?

Also is that a setting that has changes available to make it more often or not so often I noticed yesterday I was logged into two devices and I continually got logged out of my phone on a regular basis it just seemed that we started getting booted out of our devices a little quicker and I didn't know what the time frame was on the checking of that I know it says it checks later but during the day it shouldn't be checking as often in my opinion so I just wanted to get some clarification on how that actually works transpires time frame Etc

Comments (3)


There was an error on how the system was "counting" the devices the first couple days...this should be working better going forward!


great.. i thought i was loosing my mind trying to track down where all i was logged in at LOL

Have a great day!


im finding that multiple devices are still logged in after x amount of time

did this setting get changed or dropped from development or is it still an active thing?

i was also wandering if there is a way for the admin account to log in or a specfic user say log out and check of all devices etc

similar to google or netflix when you logout or go into settings yoiu can say log out of all devices etc.


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