Event ID#: *leadid*

Setup Duration:
Amount Due: $*balancedue*

Method of Payment for Balance (Circle one):   CC     Check      Cash      PO#

Contact Info: Important Times: Venue Info:

*ctfirstname* *ctlastname*
Cell: *cellphone* Home: *homephone* Office: *officephone*

Rental Duration: *startdate* thru *enddate*
Delivery: *fullsetuptime*
Return: *fulltdowntime*

Venue Contact: *venuecontact*
*eventcity*, *eventstate* *eventzip*

  Event Notes


  Private Notes


  Installation Checklist
  1.  Tarped laid correctly (if necessary)
  2.  Cord ran safely
  3.  Properly anchored
  4.  Unit is clean
  1.  Water tested (if necessary)
  2.  Photo sent to JJER
  3.  Instructions given
  4. Leave business cards/tattoos
  Photo Upload Instructions

Sending Set Up Images:

  1. Scan QR Code or tap this link.
  2. Fill in Event ID#: *leadid* in the subject line
  3. Add Image
  4. Send

Packing List

Surface: *surface* Circuits: *electric* Site Map? *customfield-97303*

 Image Packing List  Rental Notes  Other Info
*rentalqty* - *rentalname* | Warehouse Location: *customfield-82851*
*rental_packing_list* *rentalnotes*
Dims: *rental_footprint*
Circuits: *rental_ac*
Tiedowns: *tie_downs*
Weight: *rental_weight*lbs