Variable | Description | Example Value |
*ctfirstname* | Customer First Name | Beth |
*ctlastname* | Customer Last Name | Flugal |
*ctfullname* | The first and last name of the customer | Beth Flugal |
*quoteform_fill_url* | Quote Page with lead/customer data filled in URL |"eid=13075563&contactid=11949701 |
*quote_request_url* | Quote Request Page with lead/customer data filled in URL | |
*quote_url* | Quote Confirmation Page URL | |
*quote_url_pdf* | PDF of Quote Confirmation Page URL | |
*page_id* | ID number of page to reference | |
*page_name* | Name of page group | |
*contract_paymentfirst* | Flag if payment first setting on | |
*contract_current_url* | Contract/Payment Page URL | |
*contract_current_url_pdf* | PDF of Contract/Payment Page URL | |
*contract_current_link* | Contract/Payment Page HTML Link | Event Contract |
*contracturl* | Contract/Payment Page URL | |
*contract_url* | Contract/Payment Page HTML Link | Event Contract |
*contract_url_pdf* | PDF of Contract/Payment Page URL | |
*contract_url_pdf_dl* | Download PDF of Contract/Payment Page URL | |
*invoice_current_url* | Invoice/Payment Page URL | |
*invoice_current_url_pdf* | PDF of Invoice/Payment Page URL | |
*invoice_current_url_pdf_dl* | Download PDF of Invoice/Payment Page URL | |
*packinglist_url* | Packing List URL | |
*company_name* | Company Name (Set in Customer Pages) | Demo Rentals LLC |
*company_url* | Company URL (Set in Customer Pages) | |
*company_email* | Company Email | |
*lead_url* | A direct link to a lead when logged in | |
*company_first_name* | The first name listed in the company details | Jack |
*company_last_name* | The last name listed in the company details | Smith |
*location_default_name* | The name of your default warehouse location | Akron |
*location_default_street* | The street address of your default warehouse location | 954 East Ave |
*location_default_city* | The city of your default warehouse location | Akron |
*location_default_state* | The state of your default warehouse location | OH |
*location_default_zip* | The zip of your default warehouse location | 44307 |
*quote_number* | Lead ID | 13075563 |
*leadid* | Lead ID | 13075563 |
*eventname* | Event Name | |
*organization* | Customer Organization (Only display if different than Customer Name | |
*organization_force* | Customer Organization (Always Display) | Beth Flugal |
*organization_id* | Customer Organization/Account ID | 000000 |
*eventstreet* | Venue Address Line 1 | 1735 Neil Ave |
*eventcity* | Venue City | Columbus |
*eventstate* | Venue State | OH |
*eventzip* | Venue Post Code | 43210 |
*event_country* | Venue Country | US |
*event_county* | Venue County | Franklin |
*currenttime* | Current Date & Time. Can be used to note time document was generated/printed. | 2/20/2025 2:16pm |
*fulleventtime* | Event Start/End Date/Time (well formated for single or multi-day events) | 5/27/2024 3:15pm - 6:15pm |
*fulleventtimetext* | Event Start/End Date/Time (Text) | Mon, May 27, 2024 3:15pm - 6:15pm |
*startdatetext* | Event Start Date Text | Mon, May 27, 2024 |
*startdate* | Event Start Date | 5/27/2024 |
*startday* | Event Start Day of Week | Monday |
*starttime* | Event Start Time | 3:15pm |
*starttime_tp* | Event Start Time for Time Picker control | 2:15 pm |
*enddatetext* | Event End Date Text | Mon, May 27, 2024 |
*enddate* | Event End Date | 5/27/2024 |
*endday* | Event End Day of Week | Monday |
*endtime* | Event End Time | 6:15pm |
*endtime_tp* | Event End Time for Time Picker control | 5:15 pm |
*fullsetupwindow* | Setup Window Start/End Date/Time (window only) | |
*fulltdownwindow* | Return Window Start/End Date/Time (window only) | |
*fullsetuptime* | Setup Start/End Date/Time (uses durations if window not set) | 5/27/2024 1:45pm - 3:15pm |
*fullsetuptimetext* | Setup Start/End Date/Time (Text) | Mon, May 27, 2024 1:45pm - 3:15pm |
*setuptimetext* | Setup Start/End Time Text | 1:45pm - 3:15pm |
*setupday* | Setup Start Day of Week | Monday |
*setupstart* | Setup Start Time | 1:45pm |
*setupend* | Setup End Time | 3:15pm |
*setupduration* | Setup Duration in hours (rounded to the nearest hundredth, ex 4.25) | 1.5 |
*deliverywindowtime_end* | Delivery Window End Time | 3:15pm |
*deliverywindowdate_end* | Delivery Window End Date | 5/27/2024 |
*setupdate* | Setup Start Date | 5/27/2024 |
*setupdate_start* | Setup Start Date | 5/27/2024 |
*setupdate_end* | Setup End Date | 5/27/2024 |
*setupdatetext* | Setup Start Date Text | Mon, May 27, 2024 |
*setup_scheduled* | Setup has been scheduled in delivery planner | 0 |
*travel_duration* | Travel Duration | 2.000000 |
*event_duration* | Event Duration in hours (rounded to the nearest hundredth, ex 4.25) | 3 |
*days_before_event* | Number of days before event (rounded up to the nearest day) | -269 |
*fulltdowntime* | Return Start/End Date/Time (uses durations if window not set) | 5/27/2024 6:15pm - 7:00pm |
*fulltdowntimetext* | Return Start/End Date/Time (Text) | Mon, May 27, 2024 6:15pm - 7:00pm |
*tdowntimetext* | Return Start/End Time Text | 6:15pm - 7:00pm |
*tdownday* | Return Start Day of Week | Monday |
*tdownstart* | Time you are returning to the venue to begin tear down | 6:15pm |
*tdownend* | Return End Time | 7:00pm |
*tdownduration* | Teardown Duration in hours (rounded to the nearest hundredth, ex 4.25) | 0.75 |
*tdowndate* | Return Start Date | 5/27/2024 |
*tdowndate_start* | Return Start Date | 5/27/2024 |
*tdowndate_end* | Return End Date | 5/27/2024 |
*tdowndatetext* | Return Start Date Text | Mon, May 27, 2024 |
*tdown_scheduled* | Return has been scheduled in delivery planner | 0 |
*delivery_or_return* | Delivery or Return for routing | Return |
*d_or_r* | "D" for delivery, "R" for return for routing | |
*currentdate* | Today's Date | 2/20/2025 |
*currentdatetext* | Today's Date Text | Thu, Feb 20, 2025 |
*lead_create_date* | Create Date of the Lead | 4/21/2024 |
*show_meridian* | Use 12 hour time or not (true or false) | true |
*customer_email* | Customer Email Addres | |
*company_phone* | Company Phone | (555) 555-1234 |
*company_address* | Company Address | 954 East Ave Akron, OH, 44307 |
*company_street* | Company Street Address | 954 East Ave |
*company_city* | Company City | Akron |
*company_state* | Company State | OH |
*company_zip* | Company Zip | 44307 |
*unsubscribe_url* | Unsubscribe url for manual emails. | |
*unsubscribe_link* | Unsubscribe link for manual emails. | Unsubscribe |
*unsubscribe_url_auto* | Email Unsubscribe Link (it is automatically added to most emails) | |
*unsubscribe_address* | Email Unsubscribe Address (Mailing address, or company address) | 954 East Ave Akron, OH, 44307 |
*contact_phone* | Customer cell, or office, or home phone (in that order, if the lead has it) | (614) 292-9861 |
*contact_phone_additional* | Additional Contact cell, or office, or home phone (in that order, if the lead has it) | |
*contact_phone_billing* | Billing Contact cell, or office, or home phone (in that order, if the lead has it) | (614) 292-9861 |
*contact_phone_onsite* | Onsite Contact cell, or office, or home phone (in that order, if the lead has it) | (614) 292-9861 |
*contact_additional* | Additional Contact Name with cell, or office, or home phone (in that order, if the lead has it) | |
*contact_onsite* | Onsite Contact Name with cell, or office, or home phone (in that order, if the lead has it) | Beth Flugal Home: (614) 292-9861 |
*contact_billing* | Billing Contact Name with cell, or office, or home phone (in that order, if the lead has it) | Beth Flugal Home: (614) 292-9861 |
*contact_billing_firstname* | Billing Contact First Name | Beth |
*contact_billing_lastname* | Billing Contact Last Name | Flugal |
*contact_billing_street* | Billing Contact Street Address 1 | 1735 Neil Avenue |
*contact_billing_city* | Billing Contact City | Columbus |
*contact_billing_state* | Billing Contact State | OH |
*contact_billing_zip* | Billing Contact Post Code | 43210 |
*contact_billing_country* | Billing Contact Country | US |
*header* | Company Logo (HTML Link) | ![]() |
*satisfaction_url* | Customer Survey (HTML Link) | Please let us know how your event went by taking this short 3 minute survey. |
*satisfaction_link* | Customer Survey (URL Only) | |
*satisfaction_results* | Customer Survey Results | |
*visitor_survey_url* | Non-Customer Survey (got a quote but did not book) (HTML Link) | Please help us serve you better by taking this short 3 question survey. |
*contract_status* | Contract Status Text | We still need a signed copy of your contract. |
*reviews_ratings_url* | Customer Reviews and Ratings page (HTML Link) | Rate Us! |
*reviews_ratings_link* | Customer Reviews and Ratings page (URL Only) | |
*eventnotes* | Event Notes | |
*eventnotes_text* | Event Notes | |
*deliverytype* | Delivery Type | Drop-Off |
*staffnum* | Number of Staff (set on contract tab) | 0 |
*setupstaffnum* | Number of Setup Staff | 0 |
*volnum* | Number of Volunteers (set on contract tab) | 1 |
*surface* | Surface Type | Concrete |
*rentals* | List of Rental Names | Dunk Tank(1) |
*rentals_noopt* | List of Rental Names excluding Options | Dunk Tank(1) |
*rentals_vendor* | List of Vendor Rental Names & quantity, grouped by Vendor | |
*rentals_no_vendor* | List of Non-Vendor Rental Names & quantity | Dunk Tank(1) |
*taxexempt* | Tax Exempt (Yes/No Text) | No |
*taxexemptid* | Tax Exempt ID | |
*taxrate* | Tax Rate | 6.750 |
*balance* | Total Less Deposit | 162.99 |
*depositdue* | Deposit Due | 54.33 |
*depositdue_formatted* | Deposit Due formatted with thousands place comma. | 54.33 |
*balance_due* | Balance Due | 217.32 |
*balancedue* | Balance Due | 217.32 |
*running_balance* | Running Balance for use with lead loops in customer statements or invoices | 0.00 |
*current_due* | Balance due at 0 days aged receivable | 0.00 |
*due_30* | Balance due at 1-30 days aged receivable | 0.00 |
*due_60* | Balance due at 31-60 days aged receivable | 0.00 |
*due_90* | Balance due at 61-90 days aged receivable | 0.00 |
*due_90_over* | Balance due over 90 days aged receivable | 0.00 |
*customer_credit* | Customer Credit | 0.00 |
*staffcost* | Staff Cost | 0.00 |
*distcharge* | Total Delivery Charge | 63.58 |
*delivery_distance* | Delivery Charge - Distance Fee Only | 63.58 |
*delivery_surface* | Delivery Charge - Surface Fee Only | 0.00 |
*delivery_method* | Delivery Charge - Method Fee Only | 0.00 |
*delivery_setup* | Delivery Charge - Setup Fee Only | 0.00 |
*minimum_total* | Minimum Total Fee | 0.00 |
*salestax* | Sales Tax Amount | 13.74 |
*fees* | Fee Amount | 0.00 |
*fee* | Fee Amount | 0.00 |
*fee_description* | Fee Description | |
*discount* | Discount Amount (includes coupons, specials, and admin discounts) | 0.00 |
*coupon_amount* | Coupon or Package Amount | 0.00 |
*coupon_name* | Name of coupon or package applied to lead. | |
*coupon_description* | Description of coupon or package applied to lead. | |
*special_amount* | Special Amount | 0.00 |
*special_name* | Special Name | |
*special_description* | Special Description | |
*admin_discount* | Admin Discount Amount | 0.00 |
*subtotal* | Rental Total Only | 140.00 |
*quote_subtotal* | Subtotal | 203.58 |
*total* | Total Amount | 217.32 |
*paid* | Paid Amount Total | 0.00 |
*deposit* | Deposit Amount Required | 54.33 |
*payment_amount* | Payment Amount (used for receipts) | 0.00 |
*payment_type* | Method of payment (used for receipts) | |
*payment_txnid* | Payment transaction id (used for receipts) | |
*payment_date* | Payment Date (used for receipts) | |
*payment_time* | Payment Date/Time (used for receipts) | |
*payment_emvreceipt* | EMV payment receipt info | |
*payment_last4digits* | Last 4 digits of credit card if available | |
*payment_source* | Payment source (admin vs. customer) | |
*payment_surcharge* | Payment Surcharge Amount (used for receipts | |
*item_type* | Item Type (Payment or Invoice | Invoice |
*ccterms* | Payment terms for credit card sales | I am an authorized user of this credit/debit card and I authorize it to be immediately charged for the amount specified. |
*gcterms* | Payment terms for gift card sales | I am an authorized user of this gift card and I authorize it to be immediately charged for the amount specified. |
*contractsentdate* | Contract Create Date | 2/20/2025 |
*contractsentdatetext* | Contract Create Date Text | Thu, Feb 20, 2025 |
*contract_signedtime* | Contract Signature Date (digital signature date) | |
*contract_receiveddate* | Contract Received Date (date contract is marked received) | |
*contract_signature* | Contract Signature Image (use on contract page only, not the contract template) | |
*contract_printedname* | Contract Printed Name of Signer | |
*contactstreet* | Customer Street Address 1 | 1735 Neil Avenue |
*contactcity* | Customer City | Columbus |
*contactstate* | Customer State | OH |
*contactzip* | Customer Post Code | 43210 |
*contact_country* | Customer Country | US |
*homephone* | Customer Home Phone | (614) 292-9861 |
*officephone* | Customer Office Phone | |
*cellphone* | Customer Cell Phone | |
*homephone_e164* | Customer Home Phone E.164 formatted | +16142929861 |
*officephone_e164* | Customer Office Phone E.164 formatted | |
*cellphone_e164* | Customer Cell Phone E.164 formatted | |
*oktotext* | Customer has indicated acceptance of texts to cell number | 1 |
*faxnumber* | Customer Fax Number | |
*customer_notes* | Customer Notes | |
*cust_address2* | Customer Address Line 2 | |
*cust_title* | Customer Title | |
*electric* | Electric Circuits Required | 0 |
*ohio_inflatable* | Number of items on lead classified Inflatable for Ohio | |
*ohio_kiddie* | Number of items on lead classified Kiddie for Ohio | |
*ohio_other* | Number of items on lead classified Other for Ohio | |
*ohio_coaster* | Number of items on lead classified Coaster for Ohio | |
*ohio_bungee* | Number of items on lead classified Bungee for Ohio | |
*email* | Customer Email Address | |
*location* | Multi-Location: Location Name for that Lead) | |
*salesrep* | Sales Rep Name | |
*salesrep_id* | Sales Rep ID | |
*salesrep_firstname* | Sales Rep First Name | |
*packinglisttitle* | Packing List Title | Packing List - Lead ID# 13075563 |
*workerlist* | List of Scheduled Workers (HTML Table) | |
*numguests* | Number of Guests | |
*total_weight* | Total weight of rentals | 0 |
*contractor_total* | Total contractor pay of rentals. Contractor pay of all items in the list plus mile reimbursement, when available. | 0 |
*manager_report_url* | Manager Report (HTML Link) | Manager Report |
*manager_report_link* | Manager Report (URL) | |
*manager_report_results* | Manager Report Results | |
*shift_changes* | Worker shift changes (used in Worker Emails) | |
*worker_first_name* | Worker First Name (used in Worker Emails) | |
*worker_last_name* | Worker Last Name (used in Worker Emails) | |
*worker_cellphone* | Worker Cell Phone (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftposition* | Worker Shift Position (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shift_times* | Worker Shift Start/End Date/Time (well formatted; used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftstart* | Worker Shift Start Date/Time (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftend* | Worker Shift End Date/Time (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shifttime_start* | Worker Shift Start/End Time (well formatted; used in Worker Emails) | |
*shifttime_end* | Worker Shift Start/End Time (well formatted; used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftdate_start* | Worker Shift Start Date (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftdate_start_text* | Worker Shift Start Date Text(used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftdate_end* | Worker Shift End Date (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftdate_end_text* | Worker Shift End Date Text (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shift_rate* | Worker Shift Per Hour Rate (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftnotes* | Worker Shift Notes (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shift_workerresponse* | Worker Shift Response (used in Worker Emails) | |
*meeting_location* | Worker Shift Meet at Location w/Map Link (used in Worker Emails) | |
*shift_location_name* | Worker Meeting Location Text(used in Worker Emails) | |
*shiftid* | Worker Shift ID (used in Worker Emails) | |
*workerid* | Worker ID (used in Worker Emails) | |
*setup_or_teardown* | Worker Setup/Teardown (used in Worker Emails) | |
*venuename* | Venue Name | |
*venueid* | Venue ID | 4612569 |
*venuecontact* | Venue Contact | |
*venuenotes* | Venue Notes | |
*venue_address2* | Venue Address Line 2 | |
*additional_notes_1* | Event Notes Additional 1 (Settings->Optional Fields) | |
*additional_notes_2* | Event Notes Additional 2 (Settings->Optional Fields) | |
*additionalnotes1* | Event Notes Additional 1 (Settings->Optional Fields) | |
*additionalnotes2* | Event Notes Additional 2 (Settings->Optional Fields) | |
*travelstart* | Travel Start (Timestamp) | 1716824700 |
*travelend* | Travel End (Timestamp) | 1716858000 |
*travelstart_text* | Travel Start (Date/Time) | Mon, May 27, 2024 11:45am |
*travelend_text* | Travel End (Date/Time) | Mon, May 27, 2024 9:00pm |
*phones* | List of all Customer Phone Numbers (excluding fax) | Home: (614) 292-9861 |
*employee_phones* | List of worker name/phone of shifts | |
*training_url* | Safety/Training URL (for both Customers and Workers) | |
*vendorname* | Quote Page Name | 942 |
*checkout_name* | Checkout Name | |
*salesrep_cellphone* | Sales Rep Cell Phone | |
*salesrep_homephone* | Sales Rep Home Phone | |
*salesrep_officephone* | Sales Rep Office Phone | |
*salesrep_email* | Sales Rep Email Address | |
*loggedin_worker_name* | Name of the user who is logged in (can be used in manual emails) | |
*loggedin_worker_cphone* | Cell phone of the user who is logged in (can be used in manual emails) | |
*loggedin_worker_email* | Email of the user who is logged in (can be used in manual emails) | |
*loggedin_worker_image* | Email of the user who is logged in (can be used in manual emails) | |
*customertype* | Customer Type | Residential |
*paypalemail* | Company Paypal Email Address | |
*currencycode* | Currency Code (Used for Paypal Payments) | USD |
*currency_symbol* | Currency Symbol | $ |
*paypal_return_url* | Used for Paypal Payments | |
*paypal_cancel_return_url* | Used for Paypal Payments | |
*mailing_street* | Company Payment Mailing Address Street 1 | 954 East Ave |
*mailing_city* | Company Payment Mailing Address City | Akron |
*mailing_state* | Company Payment Mailing Address State | OH |
*mailing_zip* | Company Payment Mailing Address Post Code | 44307 |
*receipt_url* | Payment Receipt URL | |
*receipt_url_pdf* | PDF of Payment Receipt URL | |
*receipt_all_url* | Receipt URL for all payments on lead | |
*receipt_all_url_pdf* | PDF of Receipt URL for all payments on lead | |
*cc_message* | Last Payment Error Message | |
*contract_id* | Contract ID | |
*contact_id* | Customer ID | 11949701 |
*payroll_start* | Worker Payroll Start Date | |
*payroll_end* | Worker Payroll End Date | |
*payroll_total* | Worker Payroll Total | |
*worker_payroll* | Worker Payroll Data for last paid pay period | |
*js_date_format* | Date format to use for popup calendars | m/d/yyyy |
*state_field_lead* | HTML state form field for lead | |
*state_field_customer* | HTML state form field for customer | |
*country_field_lead* | HTML country form field for lead | |
*country_field_customer* | HTML country form field for customer | |
*referral_field* | HTML referral form field for lead | |
*referral_field_required* | HTML referral form field for lead that requires input | |
*surface_field* | HTML surface form field for lead | |
*delivery_field* | HTML delivery form field for lead | |
*customertype_field* | HTML delivery form field for lead | |
*customertype_field_required* | HTML delivery form field for lead that requires input | |
*rental_list_field* | HTML rental list form fields | |
*status* | Status of event | Quote |
*status_color* | Status color in hex | #29416F |
*workers* | List of workers that have a shift on event. | |
*workers_novehicle* | List of workers that have a shift on event (excludes vehicles). | |
*self_link* | Full link of requested page including parameters. | |
*referral* | Referral of the lead. | |
*contract* | Print's the contract's content. | |
*tax_exemption* | If taxcloud is on then it allows them to setup their tax exempt certificate. | |
*upsell* | Output upsell items | |
*alert_messages_html* | Alert messages in HTML bootstrap format | |
*eway* | Enables payments via EWay payment gateway | |
*ccsurcharge* | Surcharge % fee for credit cards. The % in the settings will be increased automatically to cover any increase in sales tax caused by the surcharge. | 0.0000 |
*ppsurcharge* | Surcharge % fee for paypal payments. The % in the settings will be increased automatically to cover any increase in sales tax caused by the surcharge. | 0.0000 |
*achsurcharge* | Surcharge % fee for eCheck/ACH payments. The % in the settings will be increased automatically to cover any increase in sales tax caused by the surcharge. | 0.0000 |
*cc_yr_expire_field* | Year drop down field with current year plus 20 years. | |
*todo_task* | Name of task worker is being reminded of (used in email reminder). | |
*todo_assignedto* | Name of worker the task was assigned to. (used in email reminder). | |
*todo_url* | URL taking you to the lead or customer the task is linked to. (used in email reminder). | |
*todo_remind_time* | Task Reminder's Remind At Time. | |
*todo_complete_url* | URL allowing you to mark a task as completed. (used in email reminder). | |
*todo_reject_url* | URL allowing you to mark a task as rejected. (used in email reminder). | |
*todo_reschedule_url* | URL allowing you to reschedule a task. (used in email reminder). | |
*todo_followup_url* | URL allowing you to follow up to reschedule a task. (used in email reminder). | |
*todo_inprogress_url* | URL allowing you to mark a task as in progress. (used in email reminder). | |
*vendor_address1* | Vendor Address 1 | |
*vendor_address2* | Vendor Address 2 | |
*vendor_city* | Vendor City | |
*vendor_state* | Vendor State | |
*vendor_zip* | Vendor Zipcode | |
*vendor_id* | Vendor ID | |
*vendor_contactname* | Vendor First/Last Name | |
*vendor_companyname* | Vendor Company Name | |
*vendor_cell* | Vendor Cell Number | |
*vendor_office* | Vendor Office Number | |
*vendor_phone* | Vendor Cell/Office Number | |
*vendor_email* | Vendor Email | |
*vendor_items* | List of vendor items for vendor emails. | |
*vendor_newquoteurl* | URL for confirming vendor availability and cost for vendor emails. | |
*purchaseorder_link* | PO Page Link | Purchase Order |
*purchaseorder_url* | PO Page URL | |
*purchaseorder_url_pdf* | PDF of PO Page URL | |
*vendor_item_total* | Total Vendor Amount | |
*start_loop* | Just makes it easier to see where the loop is so it doesn't get screwed up. | |
*end_loop* | ||
*giftcard_balance* | Gift Card Balance | |
*giftcard_code* | Gift Card Code | |
*deposit_payment_terms* | Deposit Payment Terms | |
*balance_payment_terms* | Deposit Payment Terms | |
*attachments_list* | Lead attachments, separated by comma |,,, |
*attachments_list_html* | Unordered list of lead attachments |
*attachment_images_list_html* | Unordered list of lead attachment images | |
*venue_map_link* | Google Maps venue link | Directions |
*venue_map_url* | Google Maps venue URL | |
*worker_venmo_url* | Worker Venmo URL | |
*worker_cashapp_url* | Worker Cash App URL | |
*worker_paypal_url* | Worker PayPal URL | |
*worker_venmo_username* | Worker Venmo Username | |
*worker_cashapp_username* | Worker Cash App URL | |
*worker_paypal_username* | Worker PayPal Username | |
*worker_profile_image* | Worker Profile Image | |
*worker_tip_url* | Worker Employee Tip URL | |
*worker_tip_qr_url* | Worker Employee Tip QR Code URL | |
*worker_tip_qr_image* | Worker Employee Tip QR Code Image | |
*salesrep_profile_image* | Sales Rep Profile Image | |
*salesrep_tip_url* | Sales Rep Employee Tip URL | |
salesrep_tip_qr_url* | Sales Rep Tip QR Code URL | |
*salesrep_tip_qr_image* | Sales Rep Tip QR Code Image | |
*company_logo_url* | Company Logo URL | |
*company_venmo_url* | Company Venmo URL |¬e=Lead+ID+%2313075563&amount= |
*company_cashapp_url* | Company Cash App URL |$demo |
*company_paypal_url* | Company PayPal URL | |
*company_venmo_username* | Company Venmo Username | demo |
*company_cashapp_username* | Company Cash App URL | demo |
*company_paypal_username* | Company PayPal Username | demo |
*company_tip_url* | Company Tip URL | |
*company_tip_qr_url* | Company Tip QR Code URL | |
*company_tip_qr_image* | Company Tip QR Code Image | |
*lead_tip_url* | Lead Tip URL | |
*lead_tip_qr_url* | Lead Tip QR Code URL | |
*lead_tip_qr_image* | Lead Tip QR Code Image | |
*employee_tips_enabled* | Whether or not Employee Tips are Enabled | 1 |
*statement_url* | Organization Statement Page | |
*statement_url_pdf* | PDF of Organization Statement Page | |
*statement_url_pdf_dl* | Download of PDF of Organization Statement Page | |
*invoice_payment_description* | Text explaining how invoice payments will be made, based upon the user's settings | deposits will be paid off first |
*lead_contact_tag_name* | Tags that were added when lead was created. | |
*lead_contact_tag_name_desc* | Tags and descriptions that were added when lead was created. | |
*lead_contact_tag_name_all* | Lead Contact Tags. | |
*lead_contact_tag_name_desc_all* | Lead Contact Tags and Descriptions. | |
*contact_tag_all* | Contact Tags. | |
*custom-Accidental_Damage_Waiver* | No | |
*custom-Onboarding_Status* | ||
*custom-options-Onboarding_Status* | ||
*customfield-114479* | No | |
*customfield-114495* | ||
*customfield-options-114495* | ||
*Manager_Report_link* | | |
*Manager_Report_url* | Manager Report | |
*Manager_Report_results* | ||
*Stake_Training_link* | | |
*Stake_Training_url* | Stake Training | |
*Stake_Training_results* | ||
*test_link* | | |
*test_url* | test | |
*test_results* | ||
*Training_for_set_up_link* | | |
*Training_for_set_up_url* | Training for set up | |
*Training_for_set_up_results* | ||
*Safety_link* | | |
*Safety_url* | Safety | |
*Safety_results* | ||
*Was_Ashleigh_professional_or_a_pain_to_deal_with_?_link* | | |
*Was_Ashleigh_professional_or_a_pain_to_deal_with_?_url* | Was Ashleigh professional or a pain to deal with ? | |
*Was_Ashleigh_professional_or_a_pain_to_deal_with_?_results* | ||
*Was_Ahsleigh_profesional_or_a_pan_to_deal_with_?_link* | | |
*Was_Ahsleigh_profesional_or_a_pan_to_deal_with_?_url* | Was Ahsleigh profesional or a pan to deal with ? | |
*Was_Ahsleigh_profesional_or_a_pan_to_deal_with_?_results* | ||
*Payment_link* | | |
*Payment_url* | Payment | |
*Payment_results* | ||
*tst_link* | | |
*tst_url* | tst | |
*tst_results* | ||
*Big_Roads_link* | | |
*Big_Roads_url* | Big Roads | |
*Big_Roads_results* | ||
*Testing_link* | | |
*Testing_url* | Testing | |
*Testing_results* | ||
*Customer_link* | | |
*Customer_url* | Customer | |
*Customer_results* | ||
*test2_link* | | |
*test2_url* | test2 | |
*test2_results* | ||
*Tents_link* | | |
*Tents_url* | Tents | |
*Tents_results* | ||
*Customer_Satisfaction2_link* | | |
*Customer_Satisfaction2_url* | Customer Satisfaction2 | |
*Customer_Satisfaction2_results* | ||
*Demo_Training/Quiz_link* | | |
*Demo_Training/Quiz_url* | Demo Training/Quiz | |
*Demo_Training/Quiz_results* | ||
*Survey_Link_Example_link* | | |
*Survey_Link_Example_url* | Survey Link Example | |
*Survey_Link_Example_results* |
Variable | Description | Example Value |
*feesname* | Name of Fee/Discount Line | Delivery Fees |
*feesdescription* | Description of Fee/Discount Line | |
*feestaxrate* | Tax Rate of Fee Line | 6.750 |
*feestaxed* | If line is Taxed, Not taxed, or Exempt. Just the first letter is output: (T/N/E) | T |
*feesprice* | Amount of Fee/Discount | 63.58 |
*feesorigprice* | The original amount (as if recalculate was used). Only set if it's a fee that has been discounted. | 0 |
Variable | Description | Example Value |
*rentalid* | Rental ID | 127523571 |
*rentalqty* | Rental Quantity | 1 |
*rentalname* | Rental Name | Dunk Tank |
*rental_qr_url* | Rental QR Code URL | |
*rental_qr_image* | Rental QR Code Image | |
*rentalcategory* | Category Name | |
*rentalcategory_heading* | hideCategory Name - if printing in a list, only print for the first item in category | Water Rides |
*rentalimage* | Rental Image | |
*rentalimagesrc* | Rental Image Source | |
*rentalserialnumber* | Rental Serial Number | |
*rentaldescription* | Rental Description | This novelty is always a hit! Who doesn't love to soak their boss, teachers, or loved one? |
*rental_discount* | Rental Line Item Discount Amount | |
*rentalunitprice* | Rental Price per Unit | 140.00 |
*rentaltotalprice* | Rental Total Price for all Qty | 140.00 |
*rentalunitprice_orig* | Rental Price per Unit Before Discounts | |
*rentaltotalprice_orig* | Rental Total Price Before Discounts for all Qty | |
*rentaltotalprice_incopts* | Include Option Total in Total Price | 140.00 |
*rentalcontract* | Rental Extra Contract Details | |
*rentalcontract_unique* | Unique Rental Extra Contract Details. Doesn't work for accessories & packages. | |
*rentaloperateinst* | Rental Operating Instructions | |
*rentalinspectionlist* | Rental Inspection List | |
*rental_setuptime* | Rental Setup Time | 90.00 |
*rental_duration* | Rental Duration Hours (only if different from Event Time) | 0 |
*fullrentaltime* | Rental Start/End Date/Time (well formated for single or multi-day items) | |
*rentalstarttime* | Rental Start Time (only if different from Event Time) | |
*rentalendtime* | Rental End Time (only if different from Event Time) | |
*rentalstartdate* | Rental Start Date (only if different from Event Date) | |
*rentalenddate* | Rental End Date (only if different from Event Date) | |
*rental_packing_list* | Special Rental packing list variable that converts options to show as if they are a packing list item of the main unit. | ☐ 1 - tank ☐ 1 - protective cage ☐ 1 - trigger arm/target ☐ 1 - back drop tarp ☐ 1 - back drop frame ☐ 8 - balls |
*rental_pack_list* | Simple rental packing list that just prints the packing list underneath the item or option. | ☐ 1 - tank ☐ 1 - protective cage ☐ 1 - trigger arm/target ☐ 1 - back drop tarp ☐ 1 - back drop frame ☐ 8 - balls |
*rental_dims* | Rental actual size | |
*rental_footprint* | Rental space required | |
*rental_ac* | Rental # of Electric Circuits Needed | 0 |
*rental_vols* | Rental Volunteers Required | 1 |
*rental_vols_incopts* | Rental Volunteers Required including Options | 1 |
*rental_staff* | Rental Staff Required | 1 |
*rental_staff_incopts* | Rental Staff Required including Options | 1 |
*rental_setupstaff* | Rental Setup Staff Required | 0 |
*rental_setupstaff_incopts* | Rental Staff Required including Options | 0 |
*tie_downs* | Rental # of Tie Downs | 0 |
*rentalnotes* | Rental Notes | |
*rental_locations* | Rental Locations comma separated | |
*rental_weight* | Rental weight | 0.00 |
*rental_tieweight* | Rental weight per tie down | 0 |
*rental_inactive* | Outputs "inactive" if item is inactive, otherwise nothing | |
*rental_isoption* | If it's an accessory it will output 1, otherwise 0 | 0 |
*rental_lead_vols* | Rental Volunteers Required (Lead) | |
*rental_lead_staff* | Rental Staff Required (Lead) | |
*rental_notes* | Rental Notes (Lead) | |
*rental_aa_tax* | Rental AA Tax Rate (Lead) | |
*vendor_id* | Vendor ID | |
*vendor_contactname* | Vendor First/Last Name | |
*vendor_address1* | Vendor Address 1 | |
*vendor_address2* | Vendor Address 2 | |
*vendor_city* | Vendor City | |
*vendor_state* | Vendor State | |
*vendor_zip* | Vendor Zipcode | |
*vendor_companyname* | Vendor Company Name | |
*vendor_cell* | Vendor Cell Number | |
*vendor_office* | Vendor Office Number | |
*vendor_email* | Vendor Email Address | |
*vendor_totalprice* | Vendor Item Price | |
*rentalname_linked* | Rental Name Wordpress Link | Dunk Tank |
*rental_wp_url* | Rental Wordpress URL | |
*rental_replacementcost* | Rental replacement cost | |
*rental_discount_display* | Line Item Discount | |
*rental_is_heading* | If it's a heading, it will output 1. Otherwise, 0 | 0 |
*rental_linked_items* | List of a rental's accessories. | |
*rentalcurrentstatus* | Rental current loading status. | |
*rental_contractor_delivery_pay* | Items delivery price split between workers on Lead | |
*rental_contractor_return_pay* | Items return price split between workers on Lead | |
*rental_contractor_total_pay* | Items delivery and return price split between workers on Lead | 0 |
*rental_surface_name* | If set, contains the name of the surface set on the rental of the lead. | |
*rental_attachment_list* | Rental attachments, separated by comma. | |
*rental_attachments_list_html* | Unordered list of rental attachments | |
*rental_attachment_images_list_html* | Unordered list of rental attachment images | |
*rental_manufacturer* | The manufacturer name of the item | |
*rental_model* | The model number from the manufacturer |